Prof Ashraf William Khir has obtained BSc in Mechanical Engineering, MSc in Engineering Systems and carried out his PhD work at Imperial College London in the area of arterial hemodynamics. Ashraf is currently a Professor of Cardiovascular Mechanics at Brunel University London, where he is Director of the MSc Biomedical Engineering Programme and Head of the Biomedical Engineering Research Theme. Ashraf teaches Fluid Mechanics to undergraduate, Biofluid Mechanics and Artificial Organs to Postgraduate students.
Ashraf’s research interest is broadly in the areas of physiological fluid mechanics and mechanical circulatory support devices. His work is focussed on the characterisation of arterial function, mechanical properties of the arterial wall and the interactions of waves traversing the arterial systems. Ashraf has a special interest in studying the cardio-arterial interaction, in which topic he introduced a technique for the determination of wave intensity non-invasively. He also has a great interest in the determination of wave speed (PWV) as a direct indicator to arterial stiffness. His other area of research interest is the left ventricular assist devices (LVADs), where he pioneered improving the hemodynamic benefits of the intra-aortic balloon pump, and holds a patent for a new balloon shape.
Ashraf is well published with > 100 publications including book chapter, patents, peer review articles and conference proceedings. He is also a reviewer to 25 scientific journals, and 10 national and international funding bodies. He is the Editor of the European region for Artificial Organs, and on the Editorial Board of Engineering in Medicine. He is also a Board Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (MIMechE) Biomedical Engineering Division and a Fellow of the Institution of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (FIPEM).
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