Executive Committee

Dr. Carmel McEniery, Cambridge, UK

Dr. Carmel McEniery, Cambridge, UK


Professor Pedro Cunha, Guimarães, Portugal

Professor Pedro Cunha, Guimarães, Portugal

Vice President

Dr. Bart Spronck, Maastricht, Netherlands

Dr. Bart Spronck, Maastricht, Netherlands


Professor Rosa Maria Bruno, Paris, France

Professor Rosa Maria Bruno, Paris, France


Dr Elisabetta Bianchini, Pisa, Italy

Dr Elisabetta Bianchini, Pisa, Italy

Ordinary Member

Dr Christopher Mayer, Vienna, Austria

Dr Christopher Mayer, Vienna, Austria

Ordinary Member

Dr. János Nemcsik, Budapest, Hungary

Dr. János Nemcsik, Budapest, Hungary

Ordinary Member

Dr Veronique Regnault, Nancy, France

Dr Veronique Regnault, Nancy, France

Ordinary Member

Dr Cédric Neutel, Antwerp, Belgium

Dr Cédric Neutel, Antwerp, Belgium

Young Investigator Chair

Click here to find out more about Cédric


Dr. Chloe Park, London, UK

Dr. Chloe Park, London, UK

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ARTERY promotes the advancement of knowledge and dissemination of information concerning the pathophysiology, pharmacology, epidemiology, detection, investigation and treatment of arterial structure and function.

Artery Research Journal

Artery Research is the official journal of the Association for Research into Arterial Structure and Physiology (ARTERY, the Society).