Dr Christopher Mayer

Dr. Christopher C. Mayer (m) – Senior Scientist, Project Manager, holds a PhD in technical mathematics and is a researcher at AIT since 2009. He has years of experience in biosignal analysis, mathematical modelling and medical statistics. He has yearlong experience from international and national research projects (including H2020 and Horizon Europe) in various roles (e.g., coordinator, WP leader, task leader, participant, etc.) and is currently chairing the COST Action VascAgeNet (CA18216, https://vascagenet.eu/). As chair of the COST Action VascAgeNet, he wants to accompany the process of integrating working groups, ideas, and workforce of VascAgeNet into the structures of the Artery Society. Thereby, we can strengthen the ideas of the Artery Society and gain momentum by joining forces to move the whole research field forward. He is co-inventor of a patent partly used in the ARCSolver algorithms and has prominently published on arterial pulse wave analysis. He is in the scientific committee of the CARTESIAN study (https://www.arterysociety.org/our-activities-2/cartesian-2/) and partner in the International 24-Hour Aortic Blood Pressure Consortium (http://i24abc.org/).