ARTERY Society and VascAgeNet
In October 2024, three Working Groups (WGs) were launched within the Artery Society to continue
the successful work of VascAgeNet under the umbrella of the Artery Society. This sustainability process
was started by the VascAgeNet CORE Group and Management Committee, discussed with the Artery
Society, and approved by all parties. The new WGs continue the open and inclusive approach by
VascAgeNet and the Artery Society, and thus we invite all VascAgeNet participants, all Artery Members
and new participants to join our way to continue the great work.
Further information to follow shortly, meanwhile we invite all VascAgeNet members to join ARTERY!
Description of the three Working Groups and Potential Activities
A feature, that many of these activities have in common, is the “translation from research to society”.
The 3 WGs and some potential first activities are:
1) Knowledge Exchange WG
WG Co-Leader: Rachel Climie
WG Co-Leader: Chloe Park
Stemming from a pre-existing entity in Artery Society – co-opted EC member as communication
manager – focused on the translation of research findings and (technological) innovation in the
field of vascular ageing into teaching practice and communication strategies.
Communication is a field where Artery and VascAgeNet are already sharing initiatives, and it
should become wider and stronger by also including dissemination activities such as those
implemented solely by VascAgeNet during the last years (e.g., the training school, the glossary).
The combination of the key role of the Artery Society in the field together with the evidence
provided by the past successful VascAgeNet training schools could provide concrete opportunities
for funding similar new events and activities in the future.
Potential activities
▪ Training School: this initiative could be scheduled just before/after the Annual Artery
meetings. Resources need to be found by a structured strategy.
▪ Educational material: A huge amount of material already exists on the VascAgeNet
website (webinars, animations, posters, Science Buddy Program). We need a strategy to
increase the dissemination and use of these resources throughout the Artery Network
and beyond.
▪ Awareness events: this joint activity with Artery can continue with a similar approach to
the 2021-23 campaigns.
▪ Glossary: a strategy for the advertisement, maintenance and extension of the Vascular
Ageing Glossary will be studied.
▪ Educational grants: trying to raise money to prolong STSMs and Conference grants;
management of grants
▪ Interaction with external stakeholders (e.g., medical device industry, pharma industry,
policy makers)
▪ New Webinar Series
▪ New Blog
▪ New Highlights from Artery Research
2) Technological Innovation WG
WG Co-Leader: Jordi Alastruey
WG Co-Leader: Dimitrios Terentes-Printzios
This working group originated from the merging of VascAgeNet WG2 (Physiological and Technical
Background; led by Jordi) and WG3 (Technological Aspects; led by Dimitrios). It deals with
methods and innovation in vascular assessment. This involves theoretical and technological
considerations, models (in silico, in vitro, computational, theoretical, animal) and data, as well as
measurement and data analysis approaches, including machine learning. Furthermore, this
working group will be involved in activities such as medical device regulation, validation
procedures and partnership with tech industry.
Potential activities
▪ Grant proposals discussion forum
▪ Regulatory affairs: the regulatory survey results will be analysed; barriers will be
identified and potential initiatives to address them might be implemented.
▪ PWV technical validation (Artery’s initiative): finalization and advertisement.
▪ Summary of the “translation” roundtables and organization of a new roundtable
▪ Modelling of the cardiovascular system
▪ Vascular ageing and AI
▪ Vascular ageing and the photoplethysmogram
▪ Standardisation pulse wave data: expand access to anonymised data and recommend
standardized data pulse wave devices
3) Clinical Research and Practice WG
WG Co-Leader: Giacomo Pucci
WG Co-Leader: Rosa Maria Bruno
This working group will coordinate research activities aimed at overcoming barriers for extensive
use of vascular ageing biomarkers in clinical practice. Furthermore, this working group will take
into account both the translation to clinical practice and its effective implementation. It will foster
collaboration and partnership with the pharmaceutical industry, health professionals, and
scientific societies such as the European Society of Hypertension, the North American Artery
Society, the Pulse of Asia society, and the Society for Arterial Stiffness—Germany-Austria
Switzerland (DeGAG). Exemplarily, Artery Society and VascAgeNet are already collaborating in the

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About us
ARTERY promotes the advancement of knowledge and dissemination of information concerning the pathophysiology, pharmacology, epidemiology, detection, investigation and treatment of arterial structure and function.

Artery Research Journal
Artery Research is the official journal of the Association for Research into Arterial Structure and Physiology (ARTERY, the Society).