Study Funding

The study will be supported by a grant from the Artery Society, covering administrative expenses for the initiation of the study (e.g., fees for submission to the ethical committee) for participating centres. If the number of centers willing to participate exceeds the allocated budget, priority will be given to centers with the greatest recruitment capacity. Any center fulfilling the requirements can participate in the study at its own expenses.

Please support Artery’s CARTESIAN STUDY – Donate today


For a healthy future, it’s crucial to find out if COVID-19 causes long-term damage.


COVID-19 can severely affect the blood vessels, leading to death or life-threatening complications. It is crucial to find out if this virus causes long-term damage.
The global CARTESIAN study involves expert scientists from 60 centres in 30 countries.  We are studying blood vessel damage in patients 6 months after COVID-19 infection, but we need extra resources to increase our numbers and to follow our patients’ long-term health for the next few years.
Our findings will:

Reveal the long-term effects of this disease on the blood vessels.

Identify vulnerable patients who may be susceptible to develop severe COVID-19.

Help devise treatment plans for COVID-19 survivors who develop vascular damage.

Reduce the long-term cardiovascular burden of COVID-19.

Our researchers have already started this important work but the more funding we can raise, the more research we can carry out, and the sooner we can improve the health of everyone effected by COVID-19.

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About us

ARTERY promotes the advancement of knowledge and dissemination of information concerning the pathophysiology, pharmacology, epidemiology, detection, investigation and treatment of arterial structure and function.

Artery Research Journal

Artery Research is the official journal of the Association for Research into Arterial Structure and Physiology (ARTERY, the Society).