Applications are open for the Career Development Lecture at the ARTERY annual scientific meeting in October 2017, Pisa, Italy.
The Career Development lecture provides a platform for which to disseminate information about the candidates work on the theme of large arteries.
Applications will be accepted directly from individuals, or through nominations on behalf of others, providing they have given consent. The elected lecturers will receive €500 towards their costs in attending the conference to present their paper, along with complimentary registration.
To be eligible candidates should:
- be under 40 years of age;
- have completed their PhD within the past five years;
- have published, or in the process of having published, 2-3 articles in high impact factor journals;
- want to continue their career in the field
Candidates are required to produce an extended paper/review of their presentation for publication in the ARTERY journal.
Applications should include name, institution, a nomination letter and CV. The nominating letter must include a paragraph on why the applicant would be a good candidate to lecture. Applications should be submitted by Monday 3 July 2017.
To apply to present a Career Development Lecture click here.
Career Development Lecture
Career Development Lecture
The Career Development Lecture is one of the highlights of the ARTERY annual meeting.
Three junior post-doctoral researchers are given the opportunity to give a 15 minute presentation, highlighting and contextualizing important findings and achievements from their career to date, as well as presenting future plans. This is contrary to a regular conference abstract presentation which would be an in-depth presentation about a particular study.
The winner of the Artery Career Development Lecture is awarded €500 and the winner’s name is engraved on a perpetual silver platter.
Eligibility criteria for applicants:
- Current ARTERY member.
- Within 7 years of completing their PhD, or the part-time equivalent.
- Substantial publication track record and pursuit to continue their academic career in the field.
- The Young Investigators may be from Europe or outside Europe.
- The selected candidate will be required to produce an extended paper/review of their presentation for publication in ARTERY Research, the society’s Journal (APC will be covered by the Society). Papers should be between 2,000 – 3,000 words, with a maximum of three figures or tables and no more than 40 references.
- Researchers not previously selected may apply again as long as they still comply with the aforementioned criteria.
- If selected individuals must confirm, register, and pay for the conference according to the timeline given on the notification letter.
Application process:
The applicant must provide:
- Abstract of the Career Development Lecture that you will be presenting (max. 250 words).
- Your Curriculum Vitae which includes a list of publications.
- A letter of motivation on why you wish to be chosen for this award.
- A letter of support from a senior researcher in the field.
Evaluation process:
- The selection of the Career Development Lecturer will be completed by the Artery Executive Committee and is final.
If you have any queries or require further information please contact the Secretariat:
ARTERY24 – Cardiff, Wales
Dr Alessandro Giudici (Maastricht University, Netherlands)
“A constitutive modelling outlook on arterial (dys)function: Bridging the gap with the clinic”
Previous winners:
ARTERY23- Bonn, 2023
Dr Luca Faconti (King’s College London, UK)
“Sympathetic regulation of vascular smooth help to explain the disassociation between pulse wave velocity in hypertension”
ARTERY22 – Nancy, 2022
Dr Ryan Pewowaruk (William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital, USA)
“Simple models of complex mechanics for improved hypertension care”
ARTERY21 – Not awarded
ARTERY20 – Not awarded
ARTERY19 – Budapest, 2019
Joint Winners:
Dr Dean Picone (Menzies University of Tasmania, Australia)
“Accurate measurement of blood pressure”
Dr Bernhard Hametner (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria)
“Quantification of pulse wave reflections: bridging theory and practice”
ARTERY18 – Guimaraes, 2018
Dr Jeremy Lagrange (Germany)
“The regulatory role of coagulation factors on arterial function”
ARTERY17 – Pisa, 2017
Dr Bart Spronck (USA)
“Stiff vessels approached in a flexible way: Advancing quantification and interpretation of arterial stiffness”
ARTERY16 – Copenhagen, 2016
Dr Thomas van Sloten (Maastricht)
“Vascular dysfunction: at the heart of cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment and depressive symptoms”
ARTERY15 – Krakow, 2015
Dr Rosa Maria Bruno (Pisa)
“Vascular adaptation to extreme conditions”
ARTERY14 – Maastricht, 2014
Abigail Swillens (Ghent)
“A multiphysics computer modelling framework in support of the quest for reliable and robust local arterial stiffness assessment”
ARTERY13 – London, 2013
Dr Alban Redheuil (Paris)
“Cardiovascular aging: insights from MR Imaging”
ARTERY12 – Vienna, 2012
Dr Ernst Rietszchel (Ghent)
“Getting a grip on arterial stiffness: the Asklepios Study”
ARTERY11 – Paris, 2011
Dr Kaisa Maki-Petaja (Cambridge)
“Inflammation and large arteries”
ARTERY10 – Verona, 2010
Dr Francis Verbeke (Ghent)
“Arterial stiffness and vascular calcification in dialysis patients”
ARTERY9 – Cambridge, 2009
Miss Nathalie Mercier (Nancy)
“Role of semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase in the arterial wall”
ARTERY8 – Ghent, 2008
Dr James Sharman (Queensland)
“New insights into cardiovascular risk from the exercise central waveform”
ARTERY7 – Prague, 2007
Dr Justin Davies (London)
“Importance of the aortic reservoir in determining the shape of the arterial pressure waveform – the forgotten lessons of Frank”
ARTERY6 – Athens, 2006
Dr Azra Mahmud (Dublin)
“Reducing arterial stiffness and wave reflection – quest for the holy grail?”